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DATA PROTECTION and OBLIGATIONS OF THE PUBLISHER: For email broadcasts (see section 4 and 6 respectively).

To join Earning Tree Network and to become a Publisher, you must first read carefully the following terms and Conditions which govern the Publisher Program (the "Conditions").

If you accept these Conditions, please click the "I accept these Terms and Conditions" button.

If you do not wish to accept these Conditions, you will not have the opportunity to run as a Publisher and will not be able to use the Earning Tree service.


1.1 The following words and expressions when used throughout these Conditions shall have the following meanings:

Words and Expressions

Definition and InterpretationRah

Artificial Traffic

means a collective term for invalid Clicks, Leads and Transactions/Sales which may originate from (for example, but not limited to) automatic openings, spiders, robots, adware or spyware, requested in emails or chat rooms, script generators, inserting links on websites other than those specified, Clicks that are not generated by a browser and Clicks that are not preceded by the an act of a consenting Visitor who wishes to be directed to a certain website


means the action of opening a link inserted on the Publisher's website. Once the link is opened, the Visitor is thereby directed to a Linked Website


means a Visitor who has been directed to a Linked Website by way of the Publisher and has gone on to complete a definite act at the Linked Website, for example; making a valid registration, or submitting a valid email address 

Linked Website

means the website on which the Publisher has inserted a link

Earning Tree

means Earning Tree Solutions


means you, the person who enters into the Agreement with Earning Tree which is governed by these Conditions

Publisher Program

means a Program that is operated by Earning Tree on behalf of a company on Earning Tree's website that the Publisher can join


means a collective term for valid Clicks, Leads and Transactions/Sales


means a completed agreement to purchase a product, service or anything else supplied on a Linked Website by a Visitor, who has been directed to a Linked Website by way of the Publisher


means any person who Clicks on a link inserted on the Publisher's website and is thereby directed to a Linked Website


means any person that has been sent an email into their inbox. "Website" means www.Earning


Payment – The commission generated from the qualified sale to the referred customer which is withdrawable as a commission payment.Payment term agreed at NET 30 from the date of invoice received.

Campaign - The organised programme of advertising and promotional activity as set out in the Campaign Schedule or, if there is no Campaign Schedule, as otherwise agreed by the parties. The programme may consist of only one or more items, whether an Advertisement or promotional activity or other activity or item;

Campaign Pause Notice – Any campaign can be paused or stopped by the advertiser for the defined schedule as and when required which is informed with a notice. The lead time of 12hrs will be provided for scheduled campaign paused. In an event when the campaign is paused due to unavoidable circumstances Earning Tree can direct the publisher to pause the campaign on immediate basis.

Fraud – Any unidentified or untraceable sale committed by a party to a contract, or with his connivance, or by his agents, with intent to deceive thereto or his agent, or to induce him to earn the benefits. Publisher cannot hold Earning TreePerformance responsible for any conversion which are not validate by the client or are not billable to Earning Tree. Further Earning Tree cannot be held responsible for any but not limited to cancelled, missed on client Analytics or not attributed conversions.

Cancelled Transactions– Any transaction or purchase that is cancelled by either party or which results in incomplete purchase or sale is deemed cancelled with no benefits or is RTO or is deemed non billable by client. This also include any conversion which are not fulfilled as per the terms of the campaign.

xxPublisher terms: It is hereby understood that in case of dispute in terms of validation or anyother case, Earning Tree publisher agreement will supersedes this agreement. The terms can be referred at https://Earning It will be the responsibility of the publisher to check the updates on the above url on timely basis.


1.2 In these Conditions, the following rules shall apply:

1.   clause and paragraph headings shall not affect the interpretation of these Conditions;

2.   a person includes a natural person, corporate or unincorporated body (whether or not having separate legal personality) and that person's personal representatives, successors or permitted assigns;

3.   a reference to a company shall include any company, corporation or other body corporate, wherever and however incorporated or established;

4.   words in the singular shall include the plural and vice versa;

5.   a reference to one gender shall include a reference to the other genders;

6.   a reference to any party shall include that party’s personal representatives, successors or permitted assigns;

7.   any reference to an English legal term for any action, remedy, method of judicial proceeding, legal document, legal status, court, official or any legal concept or thing shall, be English legal term in that jurisdiction;

8.   any phrase introduced by the terms including, include, in particular or any similar expression shall be construed as illustrative and shall not limit the sense of the words preceding those terms.


This is an agreement to a self-billing procedure between: Earning Tree Solutions and the self-billee (the supplier) to which this agreement relates.

Earning Tree Solutions agrees:

2.1 To issue self-billed invoices for all supplies made to them by the self- billee (the supplier) until end of contract.

2.2 To complete self-billed invoices showing the supplier's name, address and VAT registration number, together with all other details which constitutes a full VAT invoice

2.3 To make a new self-billing agreement in the event that their own VAT registration number changes.

2.4 To inform the supplier if the issue of self-billed invoices will be outsourced to a third party.

By accepting this agreement the self-billee agrees:

2.5 To accept invoices raised by the self-biller on their behalf until end of contract.

2.6 Not to raise sales invoices for the transactions covered by the agreement.

2.7 To notify us immediately if you:

·      Change your VAT number;

·      Cease to be VAT-registered; or

·      Sell your business or part of your business.


3.1 The Publisher shall be permitted to insert links that are attached to websites which have a Publisher Program registered at Earning Tree on its website

3.2 Earning Tree may amend, modify, change or terminate its service and/or these Conditions without notice at any time. The Publisher is responsible for keeping itself informed of any such amendments to these Conditions and/or the service by checking regularly the Website and these Conditions.

3.3 If any modification is unacceptable to the Publisher, the Publisher's only recourse is to terminate this Agreement, immediately cease to use the service and delete all links to Linked Websites. The Publisher's continued participation in the Publisher Program following the date of modification will constitute the Publisher's binding acceptance of the modification.


4.1 Each Party shall comply with Schedule I (Data Processing Agreement) assessable through the following link: https://www.Earning

4.2 The Parties agree that the Publisher is the data controller and Earning Tree is a data processor.


5.1 The Publisher shall be responsible for the content and operation of its website, displaying of links, ensuring the accuracy, completeness etc. of links/adverts/content and shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations (including, without limitation, the E-Privacy Directive 2002/58/EC, The Consumer Protection From Unfair Trading Regulations 2008, The Electronic Commerce (EC Directive) Regulations 2002, The Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003, the Data Protection Act 2018 and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)), the UK Data Protection Act 2018 and Regulation (EU) 2016/679 –The General Data Protection Regulationas are in force from time to time.

5.2 If the Publisher is an individual, the Publisher shall be at least eighteen (18) years of age. If the Publisher is under the age of eighteen (18), parental or legal guardian consent is required from a person who is at least eighteen (18) years of age for the registration to Earning Tree’s service. If the Publisher is yet to reach the age of eighteen (18) and has registered to Earning Tree’s service without the aforementioned consent then the Publisher’s registration will be deemed invalid.

5.3 The Publisher warrants that any information provided to Earning Tree about itself and its website is factually correct, complete, and submitted in due order. The Publisher shall immediately notify Earning Tree of any changes regarding its personal information given to Earning Tree by updating its information on the Website. If the Publisher is a limited company then the Publisher must provide Earning Tree with its registered company name, company number, registered office address, trading address (if different) and VAT registration number (if applicable).

5.4 The Publisher warrants that the rights to all information and content on the Publisher’s website belong to the Publisher. If the Publisher does not own the rights to the information and/or content then it warrants that it has obtained the previous consent to its publication from the rightful owner, including all necessary licences and consents. The Publisher also warrants that all information and content on the Publisher’s website does not breach any rights of third parties, including intellectual property rights, and that such information and content is not offensive, prohibited or questionable in any way. Examples of such content include (but not limited to) pornography, xenophobic or hateful content, as well as adware, spyware, Peer2Peer and file sharing.

5.5 The Publisher shall not generate, or contribute to the act of generating Artificial Traffic to Linked Websites. This includes, but is not limited to, Publisher self-generated Leads.

5.6 The Publisher shall immediately inform Earning Tree of any known or suspected wrongful use of a Publisher Program, the Publisher’s links to Linked Websites operating as a part of Earning Tree’s service, or of any improper use of Earning Tree’s service whatsoever.

5.7 The Publisher shall provide a clear and unambiguous notice to visitors to the Linked Website that it may earn remuneration for recommending a company’s product on its Linked Website. The Publisher shall ensure that the Linked Website shall display the earnings disclosure badge in the manner prescribed on (as amended from time to time).

5.8 Notwithstanding the provisions of Schedule I (Data Protection), the Publisher shall co-operate fully and in a timely manner with any reasonable request from timeto time of any auditor (whether internal or external) of Earning Tree Media and at the expense of the Publisher to provide documents, or to procure the provision of documents, relating to the Agreement, and to provide, or to procure the provision of, any oralor written explanation relating to the same.

5.9 The publisherrecognises that Earning Tree has proprietary relationships with Advertisers. Publisheragrees not to circumvent Earning Tree’s relationship with such Advertisers, or to otherwise solicit, purchase, contract for or obtain services similar to the Services performed by Earning Tree hereunder from any Advertiserthat is known, or should reasonably be known, by publisherto have such a relationship with Earning Tree, during the term of the Agreement and for six (6) months following termination or expiration of the Agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, to the extent that publishercan show that any such Advertiseralready provided such services to publisherprior to the dateof the first IO executed by the parties, then publishershall not be prohibited from continuing such relationship.

(6) OBLIGATIONS OF THE PUBLISHER: For email broadcasts

6.1 The publisher warrants that all email data collected for third party marketing communications has been lawfully obtained and is processed in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations.

6.2 The receiver must have the opportunity to opt out both when they first collect the details, and in every email sent.

ICO Guide to Direct Marketing 6th September 2013. Page 31 (126) Organisations must give the customer the chance to opt out - both when they first collect the details, and in every email or text. Organisations should not assume that all customers will be happy to get marketing texts or emails in future, and cannot rely on the soft opt-in rule unless they provided a clear opportunity to opt out first. (127) It must be simple to opt out. When first collecting a customer's details, this should be part of the same process (e.g. online forms should include a prominent opt-out box, and staff taking down details in person should specifically offer an opt-out).

6.3 Unless otherwise stated email from line, headers and footers must reference the original source of data capture as the sender, or reference a sender that was established at point of registration as a 3rd party. The client/advertiser must not be the only reference in the from line and must be second to sender i.e. From: XYZ list - Advertiser ABC. To comply with the below, recognition of the "Sender" is essential and required by any data controller who receives the data.

ICO Guide to Direct Marketing 6th September 2013. Page 20 (76) PECR specifically requires that the customer has notified the sender that they consent to messages from them: On a strict interpretation, indirect consent would not meet this test - as the customer did not directly notify the sender, they notified someone else.

6.4 3rd parties that receive data for marketing purposes must have been specifically named at the original registration point. This is required by any data controller who receives the data.

ICO Guide to Direct Marketing 6th September 2013. Page 21 (79) Indirect consent may therefore be valid if that organisation was specifically named, or if the consent described a specific category of organisations and it clearly falls within that description.

6.5 You must carry out due diligence and check that any data provided is compliant and that you can provide full information if challenged. This is required by any data controller who receives the data.

ICO Guide to Direct Marketing 6th September 2013. Page 22 (83) It is not acceptable to rely on assurances of indirect consent without undertaking proper due diligence, in order to demonstrate consent if challenged. Organisations must ensure that consent was validly obtained, that it was reasonably recent, and that it clearly extended to them or organisations fitting their description.

6.6 Information to provide for a look up to prove consent was obtained.

ICO Guide to Direct Marketing 6th September 2013. Page 24 (95) Organisations should therefore make sure that they keep clear records of exactly what someone has consented to. In particular, they should record the date of consent, the method of consent, who obtained consent, and exactly what information was provided to the person consenting.

6.7 The Publisher takes full responsibility to manage complaints, including the ICO and claims or complaints from recipients or data subjects resulting from data you have provided, used or selected for use for Earning Tree Media campaigns.

6.8 The publishertake full liability and shall indemnify Earning Tree Media and our Clients in full and on demand for any claims, damages awarded or fines from any regulatory body including the ICO, resulting from any complaint or judgement of noncompliance to PECR.

6.9 Earning Tree Media reserve the right to take legal action for damages, financial or to reputation, resulting from non-compliant data provided or used by partners for Earning Tree Media campaigns.

6.10 The full ICO guidance document that Earning Tree Media have referred to above can be viewed here:


7.1 Earning Tree shall monitor and catalogue the Traffic generated by the Publisher's website, in accordance with the service provided by Earning Tree.

7.2 Earning Tree shall collect and pay to the Publisher all amounts due to him arising from these Conditions ("Remuneration").


Payment of Remuneration to the Publisher shall be made by Earning Tree monthly in arrears, provided that the following conditions are satisfied:

8.1 The Publisher has generated legitimate Traffic and that Earning Tree has received payment from each company with whose Publisher Program the Publisher is registered; all Remuneration is calculated upon the total Traffic generated up to the end of the month prior to the month of payment.

8.2 Subject to clause 8.5, Remuneration will only be made if by the last day of the month prior to the payment date, the Publisher is due an amount of at least fifty (£50) pounds and only if Earning Tree has received full payment for these Transactions. Any amount the Publisher is due that is less than fifty (£50) pounds will be carried forward to the next payment date and will be included in the amount to be paid out at the next payment date, provided again that the minimum amount due is at least fifty (£50) by the end of the month prior to that payment date. Any amounts carried over to the next payment date will not accrue any interest.

8.3 Payment to the Publisher will be made direct to the Publisher's bank account, as specified by the Publisher on the Website, detailing the name and branch of the bank, sort code and account number of the Publisher.

8.4 The Publisher shall be responsible for the payment of all tax and national insurance contributions (if applicable) to be paid on any Remuneration it receives from Earning Tree.

8.5 If the Publisher chooses to receive a wire payment and the Remuneration due is less than one thousand pounds (£1,000), this will be carried forward to the next payment and will be included in the amount to be paid at the next payment date, provided again that the minimum amount due is at least one thousand pounds (£1,000) by the end of the month prior to that payment date.

(9) LIMITS OF LIABILITY: The Publisher's attention is particularly drawn to this clause

9.1 Subject to clause 9.3, in no event shall Earning Tree be liable for:

9.1.1 any loss of profit, data or goodwill, nor any indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages incurred by the Publisher arising out or in connection with these Conditions, even if Earning Tree have advance notice of the possibility of such damages;

9.1.2 costs and damages incurred by the Publisher arising out of or in connection with these Conditions, except to the extent that they are incurred as a result of Earning Tree's negligence in providing its service;

9.1.3 any defects in the service, disruption in the accessibility to the service, infringements on data or loss of data on the information handling system;

9.1.4 any defects in the security system or viruses or any other malignant software components in Earning Tree's service, or any costs and damages as a result of viruses or components to the service, the Publisher software and/or the Publisher's website;

9.1.5 any error in the implementation of inserting the links on the Publisher's website, or for the specified function of the links;

9.2 Earning Tree's total liability arising out of or in connection with these Conditions, shall not exceed the total Remuneration paid or payable to the Publisher under these Conditions in the twelve months immediately preceding the date on which the event giving rise to the most recent claim or liability occurred. Nothing in this condition 6 limits or excludes Earning Tree's liability for death or personal injury resulting from Earning Tree's negligence, or the negligence of Earning Tree's employees, agents or subcontractors; or for any damage or liability incurred by the Publisher as a result of Earning Tree's fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation. Earning Tree cannot guarantee the performance of Earning Tree's service or warrant the links to any Linked Websites.


10.1 This Agreement shall commence upon the date at which Earning Tree accepts the Publisher and shall remain until terminated in accordance with these Conditions.

10.2 Either party shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement by written notice at any given time. Upon termination, the Agreement will cease and the Publisher shall immediately cease to use Earning Tree's service and delete all links to Linked Websites.

10.3 Earning Tree reserves the right to immediately terminate this Agreement by written notice and/or suspend the Publisher from Earning Tree's service or from a certain company's Publisher Program under the following circumstances:

10.3.1 if the Publisher breaches any of the terms of these Conditions;

10.3.2 if Earning Tree considers the Publisher or the content of its website inappropriate in any way;

10.3.3 if Earning Tree is requested to do so, for whatever reason, by a company to whose Publisher Program the Publisher is registered;

10.3.4 if the Publisher acts fraudulently or illegally in any way, or the Publisher is found to be responsible for generating or attempting to generate Artificial Traffic to Linked Websites. This includes, but is not limited to, Publisher self-generated Leads;

10.3.5 if the Publisher has failed to generate any valid Traffic in a three (3) month period; and

10.3.6 if the Publisher is declared or becomes insolvent or bankrupt, has a moratorium declared in respect of its indebtness, enters into administration, receivership, administrative receivership or liquidation or threatens to do any of these things, takes or suffers any similar action in any jurisdiction or any step its taken (including, without limitation, the making of an application or the giving of any notice) by it or by any other person in respect of any of these circumstances.

10.4 In the event that Earning Tree suspends the Publisher from a particular company's Publisher Program, the Publisher shall immediately delete all links to all websites relating to or connected with that particular company's Publisher Program.

10.5 Upon termination of this Agreement, Earning Tree shall immediately notify the Publisher by email to the email address provided by the Publisher to Earning Tree during the registration process. Upon receipt of the said notification from Earning Tree, the Publisher shall be required to immediately cease to use Earning Tree's service and delete all links to Linked Websites.

10.6 Upon termination, Earning Tree will pay to the Publisher any Remuneration (if any) due to the Publisher at the time of termination. The Remuneration will be paid at the end of the month following termination, subject to any set- off, counterclaim or deduction that Earning Tree may have, provided that the Remuneration is at lease fifty pounds (£50). The Remuneration of any Affiliate Gift card will be subject to the discretion of Earning Tree.


11.1 Without prejudice to any other right or remedy which Earning Tree may have under these Conditions, the Publisher shall indemnify and keep indemnified Earning Tree against any and all claims, for damages or any other claims for compensation as a result of:

11.1.1 the contents of the Publisher's website or any erroneous information supplied to Earning Tree by the Publisher;

11.1.2 the Publisher's improper, negligent or unauthorised use of Earning Tree's service; and

11.1.3 technical problems or loss of data caused by the Publisher on the Website (or any website to which the Publisher is linked by Earning Tree).


12.1 Earning Tree and the Publisher are independent contractors and nothing in these Conditions shall create any partnership, joint venture, agency, franchise, sales representative or employment relationship between the parties. The Publisher shall not have authority to make or accept any offers or representations on Earning Tree's behalf.


13.1 The Publisher may not assign, transfer, charge, mortgage or subcontract its rights or obligations under these Conditions in full or in part to any third party without the prior written consent of Earning Tree.

13.2 The Publisher agrees that Earning Tree may assign its rights and obligations under these Conditions and disclose or transfer information pertaining to the Publisher's website, email and so forth to any third party.


14.1 The Publisher consents to Earning Tree using information given by the Publisher for marketing purposes, the sending of newsletters from Earning Tree to the Publisher's email address, and the publication of the Publisher's name and web address etc. on the Website. If the Publisher does not want Earning Tree to use the Publisher's data to contact it by electronic means (e-mail, SMS, website) with information about and services similar to those which were or are the subject of a previous sale or negotiation of a sale to the Publisher, please contact us at info@Earning


15.1 If any term of these Conditions is found by any court or administrative body of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, unenforceable or illegal, the other terms shall remain in force. If any invalid, unenforceable, or illegal term would be valid, enforceable or legal if some part of it were deleted, the terms shall apply with whatever modifications necessary to give effect to the commercial intention of the parties


16.1 Earning Tree either owns or has the right to make available all copyrights, trademarks, intellectual property rights, know-how or any other rights pertaining to the service or the software necessary for the service. The Publisher does not procure any rights or licences whatsoever under these Conditions, other than a non-exclusive, non-transferable, royalty free licence to use links to Linked Websites, subject to and as specified under these Conditions.


17.1 Neither party shall be liable for any delay or failure in performing any of its duties or obligations (in whole or in part) where such delay or failure is beyond the reasonable control of that party including without limitation national emergency, war, prohibitive Governmental legislation, embargo, industrial action, breakdown or failure of telecommunications or equipment external to the Services, interruption of or failure by statutory undertakings or other suppliers to supply materials or facilities, act of God, fire, terrorism or otherwise ("Force Majeure Event").